Adopt and integrate Ordorite's solutions seamlessly

Concerned over the idea of a long adoption and integration process of new software? Worry not, Ordorite Academy allows customers to adopt and embrace our solutions in their own time with ease. Assembled by our professional onboarding team, our academy provides customers with a series of step by step tutorial video lessons that are available for consultation at any time

Our Top Courses

Check out some of our clients most undertaken courses and get a feel for our academy yourself

POS Beginners Course

Learn the basics of our point of sale software

Dispatch Beginners Course

Learn the basics of fulfilling your retail orders with Ordorite

POS Advanced Course

Discover the more advanced features of our point of sale software

Dispatch Advanced Course

Check out our advanced course detailing the more adept dispatch options within our system

Why we set up our academy?

74% of employees assert that lack of training is the biggest hurdle in achieving their full potential at work
71% of learning leaders believe that utilizing more than one modality is crucial for training
70% of employees say that job-related and systems training directly influences their decision to stay with a company

#News News & Events

Discover how to anticipate and adapt to the latest trends and digital

Thanks to strides made through cloud based POS, inventory management is getting easier to control. That, of course, is for a good reason.

Without employee motivation, your retail business is going to suffer. While an income will be motivation enough for many people, there often needs to be more to get team members through the day.
As this is an uncertain time for everyone at the moment with the Coronavirus causing havoc around the world, it may be a good time to have a look at your inventory and how you do your stock takes.

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