
Purchase Ordering Advanced Course


This is a follow on course from our intermediate dispatch course. Through this course we will learn about more advanced purchase ordering features of the Ordorite system including items such as reallocating purchase orders, applying discounts to purchase orders, applying shipping costs to purchase orders, building truck loads and much more.

Topics for this course

11 Lessons

Purchase Ordering Advanced Course

How to reallocate a purchase order request to a new purchase order
How to apply a discount to a purchase order
How to apply a shipping cost to a purchase order
How to build up containers and truck loads in the purchase order section
How to edit purchase orders and change the delivery date
How to receive a partial goods in on a purhase order
How to view and explain the validated purchase order section
How to print off box code labels for the warehouse
How to print off customers allocated against a purchase order
How to edit a temporary purchase order
How to reopen a purchase order
How to reallocate a purchase order request to a new purchase order?
How to apply a discount to a purchase order?
How to apply a shipping cost to a purchase order?
How to edit purchase order and change the delivery date?
How to print off box code labels & customers allocated against a purchase order?
How to reopen a purchase order?